
“In the dawn, armed with a burning patience, we shall enter the splendid Cities.”
-Arthur Rimbaud

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On a More Menial Note

Two posts in a day...but I forgot to mention something completely unrelated to the previous post.

Last night my power cord on my mac died. This power cord was only 3 months old. I bought it for $75 in a panic because my last one kicked out during finals. Furious at Mac and afraid I was going to have to pay another 75 on a replacement cord I went to the Genius Bar at the apple store today. This cord was the new model and evidently it's been out for less than a year. Without a receipt the genius bar was able to track down my serial number and replace my failure of a cord with a brand new one for free.

My next errand of the day was to stop by Best Buy for a new video cable for my Cintiq. This same Cintiq I bought a year ago on ebay. What should have been 1k was approximately $200. Honestly for that price I can't complain that it came with the wrong cords...at least the power adapter while the right voltage was from an HP printer and not for a Wacom tablet. The video cable was also mis-matched, probably from an old monitor.

Well shortly into my time experimenting with my heavenly new piece of equipment the monitor tinted blue. I was afraid it might be because the actual tablet is a POS (pardon the expression). I was at school and very low on $$ so I held off on doing anything, hoping if I just replaced the wire all would be well. Finally today I did it. The past few days I went to a few stores to see if they had the official wire I need--pronged on both sides, larger at one end, smaller at the other, but to no avail. Finally I gave in and purchased a DVI cable and a converter. Just after my last post I sat down to plug in the wire to see if it solved the problem and I am thrilled to report that my screen is no longer tinted blue. Also the random line of red on the LCD screen has disappeared.

All in all, a very good day.

Freshly Graduated and Gainfully Employed

I finished college in March and a lot has happened since then. I now officially have a BFA in production design with a costume concentration--but I'm happy to say that my hard work paid off in more ways than just the one.

From March to May I interned at Boston Ballet while applying ferociously for jobs every morning before work. I enjoyed working with everyone there--got a taste of what a 9-5 job would be like working in a costume shop all day. It was a lot of work and I wish I had time to get to know my co-workers better. All in all I learned a ton and got a lot of construction experience. I made tights, sewed on notions, worked with various types of sewing machines.

When that ended I had a few weeks before returning to Georgia for graduation. My dad and I drove down and back up, I had a lot of fun despite wearing acrylic in 100 degree heat (graduation gown) and got to see my friends for the first time in months. I have a handful of friends I went to school with that I was literally pining for. They were my social life and when I went home everyone I knew was still in school.

In May I interviewed with Disney for an internship, with the Huntington Theatre for an internship and with the North Shore Music Theatre for a wardrobe position. I got the wardrobe job for two shows: Disney's Tarzan the Musical and Footloose the musical. Because of graduation my schedule conflicted for My Fair Lady. In late may I got a call from them however and spent 3 days working the show subbing for one of their dressers. I worked with Charles Shaunessy (the boss from The Nanny) as his dresser and absolutely loved everyone I worked with despite only knowing them for a short amount of time. I really forgot how much I enjoy doing wardrobe.

On top of that--instead of the internship with the Huntington Theatre I got a job for their production of Candide. I'll be working September and October there. The hope is that after the show I'll be able to pick up the rest of the season at the North Shore Music Theatre, but we'll see. I'm so excited. Last week I got my first paycheck. Right now I'm saving up for a car. Graduation money and paychecks are going straight into that. I'm scared out of my mind that I'm going to get a lemon though.